
Thank You to Our Volunteers

Thank you to the amazing group of individuals who lent their energy and enthusiasm to the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in Summer & Fall 2019 including:


Rob Apple Rob DiBlasi Joseph Kaszas Rhiana Schenck
Denise Badowski Caitlin Duffy Joe Kelly Dave Schwartz
Thomas Badowski John Duffy Lisa Kelly Margi Sells
Gail Barrows Rachel Duffy Jean Kissner John Sherwood
Lisa Beach Judy Dunn Becky Kline Susan Sinnott
Sawyer Belongia Lary Dunn Ron Kline Sharon Sisler
Patricia Braun Pamela Eldridge Kate Latz Steve Sisler
Betty Brgant Laura Fagan Diane Lee Shona Sladyk
Frank Brock John Fisher Carol Leinwohl Patricia Spence
Campers from Stowe Cadence Gentley* Shannon Lessley Cindy Sprague
Community Church Whitney Germon Shaina Levee Bob Stevens
Vacation Bible Camp Tommy Goldman Ilene Levitt Bonnie Strong
Eric Chittenden Chris Hagerty Cindy Lindemann Joshua Vaus
Francine Chittenden Patty Haverstick Laura Lyle Felipe Viera
Ligan Cignoli Louisa Hayes Charles McArthur Tonra Walsh
Patti Cignoli Richard Hayes Polly McArthur Sean Walsh Reihl
Deborah Clark Mary Ellen Heber Mitzi McInnis Stacy Wein
Chris Cleary Christopher Hill Susanne Michaelson Claire Westermann
Susan Cleary Carole Hodge Orah Moore Maureen White
Sam Conant Jim Hodge Kelly Morelli Bruce Wilder
Rob Connerty Robi Hodge Mary Lou Nichols Kathy Wilder
Susan Connerty Shannon Hottinger Dave Peters Tammy Willey
Beth Damon Randy Hough Jennifer Ranz Marci Young
William Damon Mary Huntly James Reilly  
Todd Davidson Darlene Ingamell Carolina Rolfe* *student interns
Kathy Dever Alana Izzo Jo Sabel Courtney