
Original Thinkers Special Guests

Introducing Original Thinkers Founder David Holbrooke!

As a long-time lover of films and documentaries, David knew from a young age that his passions would lead him into the world of filmmaking. “I’ve always loved the concept of watching a movie, sitting in a darken room with strangers all focusing on the same thing, that connectivity is beautiful to me,” said David. 

After spending many years at some of the nation’s largest networks such as ABC, NBC, and CNN, David created a name for himself in the film world while telling short stories of unique and important individuals from around the globe. 

Utilizing his experience, connections, and passion for storytelling, he founded Original Thinkers, a festival that would utilize impactful storytelling, and forward-thinking to help inflict positive change on the climate of our world. 

“Stories are what define us, if we find stories that so deeply resonate with us it can completely change the direction of our lives,” said David.

Since the festival’s debut in 2018, over 500 attendees have gathered in Telluride to create a collaborative community of individuals to learn more about storytelling, impactful ideas, and original storytelling. 

What is David’s Big Idea?
“Give every American a bicycle and train a fleet of bike mechanics to save the world.” 

Original Thinkers – Stowe Special Guests:

Lee Kim – subject of Wearable Tracy – screening on Friday, Oct 21.
Lee Kim is a Bronx-based designer, engineer, and certified Lego Serious Play facilitator. She founded Design Dream Lab, a community innovation lab where anyone can create an impact and dream of a better future. Lee has taught and facilitated numerous workshops around human-centered design and community building at various universities and organizations.

Marcel Narucki – subject of My Father’s House – screening on Sat, Oct 22
Marcel Narucki has been a faith leader, focusing his work on social outreach ministries for more than three decades. A former Roman Catholic Monk who is currently ordained as a Lutheran pastor, Narucki’s church was St. Matthews in Aurora, Colorado, which he saw struggle to sustain a congregation. As a result, he decided to close down the church and start the Village Exchange Center, which brings together immigrants and refugees who have come from across the world to this beacon of diversity and inclusion 

Wally Green – subject of The Tables – screening on Saturday, Oct 22
Wally Green grew up amid the gang violence of Brooklyn projects before the unlikely sport of table tennis vaulted him into international competitions as a celebrity athlete and ping pong ambassador.